Monday, October 29, 2007


A-rod just did the stupidest thing possible.Obviously a-rod isn't as interested in winning as he says.cause the Yanx are the best situation to win on a year in year out basis. Hes a money hungry animal.Even if the Yanx for whatever reason sign him I official turned from the biggest a-rod supporter to the biggest a-rod hater.Screw you a-rod I hope you sign with whatever team is willing to pay you your lunch money.and bat a .111 in the playoffs for them...A-ROD I HATE YOU your a fake a fraud and just a degenerate no good scumbag.....................


abie said...
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abie said...

i believe that this is a move more in scot boras's eyes then it is in a'rods.... boras believes that even though the yankees say they wont try to sign him in free agency boras convinced arod that he will het them back...

personally i believe that announcing this during the playoffs just might have ruined his chances at signing with the 2 teams that led the league in payroll this year...if the yankees stay true to their word...they have to or everybody else will step on them and this will begin the NEW yankee regime.... and they pissed off boston becuz the #1 stroy on every talk show radio in the usa inc boston the day after the bosox won the world series is a-rod opting way to go boras

however this is not to to say that that boras will call the yanks and sox once he has his highest offer asking for a better one and that will be the test for the yankees...

u have to admit it is a scary site to see that the current yankee third baseman is wilson betemit..

and sam im sure u'll be smiling if a-rod signs with the angels and u face him in the playoffs and he goes 0-14 vs wang jaba hughes and kennedy

SAM I AM said...

im smilling thinking about it